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Annalisa Baicchi (Università di Genova)
Ines Bose (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg) is Speech scientist and since 2009 associate professor at Martin Luther University
Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), Germany. She was trained in Speech Science at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, where she received her PhD (phonetic analysis of spontaneously produced language) and her habilitation (analysis of children’s vocal-articulatory expression in social roleplaying). Currently, her research focuses on phonetics and rhetoric at foreign language teaching in German (didactic research in prosody and conversation skills), phonetics and rhetoric in brodcasting (conversation skills, comprehensibility, radio identity – radio aesthetics), conversation analysis (temporal structure of conversation, vocal-articulatory expression, didactics), theory and didactics of reading aloud (in media, school and foreign language teaching) and development of children’s communicative skills (vocal-articulatory expression of preschoolers, argumentation skills of preschoolers, communication in social roleplaying, promoting communication skills in kindergarten and school).
Roberta Facchinetti (Università di Verona) is Full Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Verona, where she is head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and where she teaches History of the English Language and English for Publishing and Journalism. She is also head of the Masters’ programme “English for International Business and Global Affairs” and of the Professional Development Course English for the World of Work. Her main research interests, which are supported by the use of computerised corpora of both synchronic and diachronic English, focus on media linguistics, history of the English language and ESP. On these subjects she has authored, co-authored and edited various books, articles and special issues of journals, including “News Discourse” (2021, in the Bloomsbury Handbook of Discourse Analysis), Specialized Discourses and ESP on the Web (2017, co-edited with S. Corrizzato and V. Franceschi), and News as Changing Texts: Corpora, Methodologies and Analysis (2015, 2 nd ed., co-authored with N. Brownlees, B. Bös and U. Fries). Recently she has specialised on the language of international negotiations and of public diplomacy. On this and other topics of her research she has given lectures by invitation at universities and research centres in Italy and abroad (China, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, Russia, Switzerland, Taiwan, among others). She is co-editor of the scientific journal Iperstoria; she is also an editorial board member of international journals and serves as a reviewer for scientific publications. She has been responsible for the planning and submission of the proposal for several research and teaching projects at national and international level that have received funding and grants, the most recent one being the “Project of Excellence on Digital Humanities applied to Modern languages”, a 5- year-long project that has been granted 6 million Euros by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. Finally, she has received two international awards respectively in 2005 and 2015: “Premio por la alta calidad de su trabajo”, awarded by the Minister of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba (2015) and First Prize “Artemisia Gentileschi” for Academic excellence, given by the International Students Union in 2005.
Paolo Frassi, insegna lingua e linguistica francese all’università di Verona. I suoi interessi scientifici riguardano la lessicologia e la lessicografia (in particolare la definizione lessicografica e i frasemi) oltre che la metalessicografia (dizionari monolingui e bilingui), la didattica della lingua francese e la terminologia. Collabora con il progetto RL-fr (Réseau lexical du français – Laboratoir ATILF-CNRS di Nancy) e con l’Université du Québec à Montréal per la proposta di metodi di insegnamenti del lessico a partire da modelli di typo lexical network. Dal 2018 è Project Manager del Progetto di Eccellenza Le Digitali Humanities applicate alle lingue e letterature straniere (Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Università di Verona), all’interno del quale collabora attivamente al progetto DIACOM-fr. Nel 2020 è stato insignito dell’onorificenza di Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres dal Ministro della Cultura francese.
Nelya Koteyko is Professor of Language and Communication at Queen Mary University of London. Her research focuses on the relationship between media discourse, everyday practices and identities, including stance taking and identity construction in social media. She has published widely on linguistic approaches to health and science communication, in such journals as Applied Linguistics, Discourse & Society, Language & Communication, and Environmental Communication. Current project is focused on social media use by autistic adults :
José Francisco Medina Montero, licenciado, licenciado de Grado y doctor (Filología Hispánica, opción Lengua Española) por la Universidad de Extremadura, es Catedrático de Lengua y traducción – Lengua Española del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell’Interpretazione e della Traduzione de la Universidad de Trieste. Sus líneas de investigación son la Lengua Española (diacronía y sincronía) como primera y segunda lengua, la Lingüística contrastiva italiano-español-italiano y la Traducción italiano-español-italiano. En estos campos ha publicado más de 50 trabajos entre artículos, libros, etc. Es miembro y/o coordinador de 17 proyectos de investigación financiados, pertenece a 5 comités editoriales y científicos de revistas, ha formado parte de 25 comités organizadores y científicos de congresos internacionales y ha sido ponente de más de 60 conferencias en Europa y Latinoamérica. En la Universidad de Trieste ha ocupado los cargos de Director de grado y de Vicerrector de Movilidad Internacional y de Relaciones Internacionales.
Julien Longhi is Professor of Linguistics at CY Cergy Paris université. He specializes in discourse analysis of political and media texts, with a particular focus on ideologies, social media and digital humanities. He has published books, articles and edited volumes in the fields of pragmatics, semantics and corpus linguistics, in addition to discourse analysis. Julien Longhi is currently working on two major projects: one investigating ideology detection and characterization in Twitter and the other looking at risk and security discourses in collaboration with security authorities. Overall, Longhi invests a lot of resources to the societal impact of his scientific work. In addition to collaborating with authorities, he has opened digital platforms in which members of the public can analyse politicians’ tweets or videos. He is also an active commentator of current political matters in French journalistic media and on his blogs.
Ruth Page is a Reader at the University of Birmingham in the Department of English Language and Linguistics. She has written several books including Stories and Social Media (Routledge, 2012) and Narratives Online: Shared Stories and Social Media (Cambridge University Press, 2018). Her publications have explored narratives in a wide range of mediated contexts. She is also interested in multimodal discourse and is editor of New Perspectives on Narrative and Multimodality (Routledge, 2010); co-editor of Museum Thresholds: The Design and Media of Arrival (Routledge, 2018) and has published journal articles about selfie-taking from a discourse-analytic and pragmatic perspective.
Conference Language: English, French, German, Spanish.